Lavender wedding flower collections are available in several shades of lilac and lavender. Gorgeous wedding bouquet bridal bouquet and bridesmaid flowers in many styles and sizes. Perfect for all members of the bridal party. Lavender bridal bouquet can be found easily, just browse through our extensive listings of lavender wedding bouquet.
Lavender is a soft and cheerful tone that has been used in marriage ceremonies for generations. Our selection of silk lavender roses, bouquets, boutonnieres, and more provides a wide variety of options for you to accent your event with this beautiful color. Our expertly crafted silk roses are as gorgeous as real flowers and will maintain their vibrant tones for a lifetime. Visit our blog for photos of our lavender bouquets in action. From this beautiful hand tie, to this gorgeous lavender and ivory Rose Nosegay, our customers have been thrilled the stunning beauty of our silk bouquets.