Both traditional and elegant, this bridal bouquet is straight out of a fairy tale. Abundant purple, lavender and ivory silk roses with deep green foliage. These silk roses are blended with our realistic looking natural green rose leaves. The bride can feel confident carrying this flowing purple, lavender and ivory silk rose cascade, it's fullness and elegance amplifies the beauty of the bride on her special day! This impressive bridal bouquet, with its gorgeous silk roses and greenery, will make any bride feel like a fairy tale princess. If you're looking for a wedding bouquet that is low in price, high in quality, and beyond comparison in beauty, the Purple, Lavender And Ivory Silk Rose Cascade bridal flowers should be your number one choice.
This cascade wedding bouquet was designed to be a perfect match for the very popular Hydrangea Rose Purple Lavender Hand Tie Large - Silk Bridal Wedding Bouquet
This bouquet is an exact match to all of the other items in the Purple, Lavender or Ivory Silk Rose Collection from
Overall Dimensions: 14 inches wide by 26 inches long.
Purple, Lavender and Ivory Silk Rose Cascade - Bridal Wedding Bouquet
Everlasting - A beautiful keepsake to pass on to the next generation. Imagine your grand daughter carrying your bridal bouquet down the aisle.
Durable - Silk flowers won't wilt in the heat or freeze in the cold. The consummate choice for all weather conditions.
Elegant - The silk flowers available to us today are so glamorous and realistic you will be amazed. We think that many of the flowers are even more vibrant and beautiful that their fresh counterparts.
Versatile - A silk bouquet can go anywhere! Pack it in a suitcase and take it on a plane, a ship, or a car. Anywhere you go it will look fabulous! No water needed. The perfect choice for destination weddings.
Flexible - You can use flowers that may normally be out of season and there are also a wide variety of colors, above and beyond the limitations of mother nature.